Education Faculty/Staff Publications | Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education | St. John Fisher University
Research and scholarship from the faculty and staff of the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education at St. John Fisher University.


Submissions from 2023

The Mentor Teacher Blueprint: Building Effective Clinical Practice Through School–University Partnerships, Kristen M. Driskill

Submissions from 2022


School Interrupted: Issues and Perspectives From COVID-19 Remote Teaching, Chinwe Ikpeze and Susan Schultz

Submissions from 2021


Will They Stay or Will They Go? Leadership Behaviors that Increase Teacher Retention in Rural Schools, Matthew T. Frahm and Marie Cianca

Submissions from 2020


Culturally Proficient Leadership: Improving the high school graduation rate for black males, Marck E. Abraham and Marie Cianca


Equity and Neuroscience in the Year of COVID-19, Marie Cianca and Gina DiTullio

Universal Design for Learning in Physical Education - First Edition, Lauren J. Lieberman, Michelle Grenier, Ali Brian, and Katrina Arndt


Riding Fences, Susan Schultz, Brenda Barrio, and Ginevra R. Courtade


Students and Perceived Screen Time: How Often Are Students in a Rural School District Looking at Screened Devices?, Susan M. Schultz and Nicholas A. DiMartino

Submissions from 2019


Social and Emotional Competencies and Science Performance in the USA: Evidence from PISA 2015, Guillermo Montes

Keynote – Universal Design for Learning: Applications for Higher Education, Whitney Rapp Ph.D.

Picture Inclusion!: Snapshots of Successful Diverse Classrooms, Whitney Rapp, Katrina Arndt, and Susan Hildenbrand


A National Study of Exemplary Writing Methods Instructors’ Course Assignments, Roya Q. Scales, Kelly N. Tracy, Joy Myers, Linda Smetana, Dana L. Grisham, Chinwe Ikpeze, Karen Krieder Yoder, and Jenn Sanders

Submissions from 2018

Storytelling as Leadership Practice, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


Teaching Storytelling as a Leadership Practice, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


The relationship between pharmacy students’ beliefs about medications and their academic achievement in a pharmacy practice counseling course, Kelly Conn, Anthony Corigliano, Alexander DeLucenay, Kobi T. Nathan, and Guillermo Montes


Designing E-Books: Enhancing Prospective Teachers’ Digital Literacy Skills, Chinwe Ikpeze


Negotiating Identity in a Relational Pedagogy: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Chinwe Ikpeze


Factors that Determine Preschool Teacher Self-Efficacy in an Urban School District, Charles J. Infurna, Donna Riter, and Susan Schultz


Participatory Action Research and Student Perspectives in a Rural Postsecondary Education Program, Kristen Love and Martha Mock


Having Older Siblings Is Associated with Lower Rates of Depression, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety and Behavior Problems Among Children with ASD, Guillermo Montes


US children with special health care needs and ethnic discrimination: results from multivariate modeling, Guillermo Montes

Personal Brand, Michael Wischnowski

Submissions from 2017

Exemplary Leading in Coaching, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson

Storytelling as a Leadership Practice, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson

Taking Action for Exemplary Leadership, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


The Case of Dinosaur Metabolism, Douglas Llewellyn and Caitlin Ullock


Rural meets Urban: Advanced Placement Rural High School Students Supporting Urban Dual Language Learners, Susan Schultz


Strategies for visually impaired bilingual learners to improve their understanding of academic language, Susan Schultz, Jessica E. Schultz, and Alexander T. Schultz

Submissions from 2016


Designing a Support System for College Students with ADD/ADHD/Executive Functioning Disorders, Pamina A. Abkowitz and Susan Schultz


Perceptions of Social Networks by Adults Who Are Deafblind, Katrina Arndt and Amy Parker

Teaching Storytelling as a Leadership Practice, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


Student Teachers’ Management Practices in Elementary Classrooms: A Qualitative Study, Susan Hildenbrand and Katrina Arndt


The blended course design: The role of agency in a pedagogical shift, Chinwe H. Ikpeze


Evaluation of over the counter medication knowledge and literacy in middle school and high school students, Tessa Kelly, Kelly M. Conn, Allison Bosworth, and Matthew Zak


Using Graphic Novels to Engage English Language Learners, Joellen Maples, Marie Cianca, and Michael Maloy


Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Screen Time: Results From a Large, Nationally Representative US Study, Guillermo Montes

An Elephant on a Trampoline! Humor Development and Autism, Susan Schultz


International Implications of Lead Poisoning in School Aged Children, Susan Schultz


Poverty and Children with Special Needs: Implications and Strategies for the Classroom, Susan Schultz


The Long Term Implications of Lead Poisoning, Susan Schultz


Unlocking Thinking Through and About GPS, James E. Schwartz


Leading Head Start Turnaround: A Four-stage Turnaround Model for Transforming Program Performance, Seanelle Tracy and Michael Wischnowski

Submissions from 2015


Seven Steps to Emotional Intelligence, Marie Cianca and Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


Teaching Storytelling as a Leadership Practice, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


The Role of Academic Deans as Entrepreneurial Leaders in Higher Education Institutions, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


Recreational Physical Activity Experiences Among Guatemalan Families with Children with Visual Impairments, Luis Columna, Margarita Fernandez-Vino, Lauren Lieberman, and Katrina Arndt


You Cannot Afford Not to Understand Me: ADHD as Difference, Not Disability, Lucia Guarino and Whitney Rapp

Looking back as we look forward: Using backward design to create inclusive teacher education program, Susan Hildenbrand and Whitney Rapp


Implementing Service Learning in Pre-service Teacher Coursework, Susan Hildenbrand and Susan Schultz

Teaching across Cultures: Building Pedagogical Relationships in Diverse Contexts, Chinwe Ikpeze


Perspectives on Science Literacy: A comparative study of United States and Kenya, Kermin Martinez-Hernandez, Chinwe Ikpeze, and Irene Kimaru

Universal Design for Learning: Applications for Higher Education, Whitney Rapp


Transition by Design: The Power of Vertical Teams, Linda Schlosser


It IS a Small World After All! Blurring Geographic Lines Through Technology, Susan Schultz


Lead poisoning: Implications for Early Childhood and Childhood Education, Susan Schultz


Lead Poisoning in Children. An International Problem with Long Term Effects, Susan Schultz

Common Core: Passing the Test?, Kim VanDerLinden

Submissions from 2014


The Future of Education Reform: The Role of Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders, Marie Cianca and Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


Special Education Terminology Every Physical Education Teacher Should Know, Luis Columna, Lauren J. Lieberman, Rebecca Lytle, and Katrina Arndt

Navigating Relational Pedagogy in Cross-Cultural Contexts, Chinwe Ikpeze

Why the Scholarship on African Born Educators and Students Matter, Chinwe Ikpeze


Family Burden of Raising a Child with ASD, Guillermo Montes and Marie Cianca


Don't You Dare Dumb it Down: Supporting High Expectations in Inclusive Classrooms, Whitney Rapp, Katrina Arndt, Susan Hildenbrand, and Susan Schultz


Policy and the Impact on Placement, Involvement, and Progress in General Education: Critical Issues that Require Rectification, Diane Lea Ryndak, Debbie Taub, Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Jean Gonsier-Gerdin, Katrina Arndt, Janet Sauer, Andrea L. Ruppar, Mary E. Morningstar, and Heather Allcock


Playing to Learn: How After-School Clubs Influence Teachers' Beliefs About Instruction, Linda Schlosser and Betsy Balzano


Students with Disabilities and the Common Core, Susan M. Schultz


Transitioning to College with a Sleep Disorder: Regulations and Beyond, Susan Schultz and Christine Nelson-Tuttle

Submissions from 2013


The Speed of Dark and This Alien Shore: Representations of Cognitive Difference, Katrina Arndt and Maia Van Beuren


Charter School Boards: Independence or Isolation?, Marie Cianca, Charles Hertrick, and C. Michael Robinson

Implementing Service Learning in Pre-Service Teacher Coursework, Susan Hildenbrand and Susan Schultz

Enacting Literacy Pedagogies: An analysis of prospective teachers virtual book designs, Chinwe Ikpeze


In Retrospect: Navigating Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Teacher Education, Chinwe Ikpeze

Literacy Teacher Preparation in Nigeria. A Review of Related Literature, Chinwe Ikpeze

Promising Practices in Teacher Education: Prospective teachers as writers in blog spaces., Chinwe Ikpeze


Increasing Urban Students' Engagement With School: Toward the Expeditionary Learning Model, Chinwe H. Ikpeze

Reprocessing Race, Language and Ability: African-Born Educators and Students in Transnational America, Chinwe Ikpeze, Immaculée Harushimana, and Shirley Mthethwa-Sommers

Reading Pen Pals: Improving Literacy Skills and Parent Engagement Through Service Learning, Susan Schultz


Social Media as a Communication Tool for Individuals with Disabilities Living in Rural Settings, Susan Schultz

The Effects of Downtime on Functional Skill Development in an Age of Common Core, Susan Schultz

Using Social Networking as a Communication Tool for Young Adults with Disabilities, Susan Schultz


A Promising Practice: Using Facebook as a Communication and Social Networking Tool, Susan Schultz, Gloria Jacobs, and Jacob Schultz

Emerging Perspectives on Disability Studies, Matthew Wappett and Katrina Arndt

Foundations of Disability Studies, Matthew Wappett and Katrina Arndt

Submissions from 2012

Teaching Everyone: An Introduction to Inclusive Education, Katrina Arndt and Whitney Rapp

Entrepreneurial Leadership and Activities of Academic Deans in Independent Colleges and Universities: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson


New Kids on the Block: Understanding and Engaging Elementary Readers and Writers in New Times, Chinwe Ikpeze

Promising Practices in Teacher Education: A Look at Web-based Learning., Chinwe Ikpeze


Preservice Teachers' Experiences with Technology Integration in Professional Development Schools (PDS), Chinwe Ikpeze and Kathleen A. Broikou


PDS Collaboration as Third Space: An analysis of the quality of learning experiences in a PDS partnership, Chinwe Ikpeze, Kathleen A. Broikou, Susan Hildenbrand, and Wendy Gladstone-Brown

Facebook and the Social Skill Development of Individuals with Disabilities, Susan Schultz


Twice-Exceptional Students Enrolled in Advanced Placement Classes, Susan Schultz

The Hows and Whys of Service Learning in Pre-Service Teaching Coursework, Susan Schultz and Susan Hildenbrand


The Social Magic of Facebook for Adults on the Spectrum, Susan M. Schultz and Gloria E. Jacobs


Getting Published in Young Exceptional Children, Michael Wischnowski


A new script for working with parents, Michael Wischnowski and Marie Cianca

Submissions from 2011


College Students who are Deaf-Blind, Katrina Arndt


Conducting Interviews with People Who Are Deafblind: Issues in Recording and Transcription, Katrina Arndt

Preservice Teachers’ Field Experiences in Urban based Professional Development Schools: Ideals and Realities, Chinwe Ikpeze


The "Other" Teacher: Navigating Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Teacher Education, Chinwe Ikpeze

The Social and Identity Construction of Two Struggling Readers, Chinwe Ikpeze