The Mentor Teacher Blueprint: Building Effective Clinical Practice Through School–University Partnerships
Both higher education and P–12 faculty play a critical role in the preparation of new teachers, yet they have traditionally operated in silos. This book, designed to be read and applied immediately, will help teacher preparation programs and schools work together to best prepare preservice teachers. This is accomplished by clearly describing the roles and responsibilities of both groups of stakeholders, specifically with a focus on the preparation of the mentor teacher. The author outlines ways for schools and teacher preparation programs to collaboratively choose, train, and support mentor teachers, along with suggestions for connecting P–12 and higher education faculty more regularly. Driskill provides a replicable blueprint that has been put into practice and found to be effective. School districts and teacher preparation programs can use the blueprint to reform clinical practice, which ultimately puts more highly qualified teachers in more classrooms.
Publication Date
Teachers College Press
Recommended Citation
Driskill, Kristen M., "The Mentor Teacher Blueprint: Building Effective Clinical Practice Through School–University Partnerships" (2023). Fisher Bookshelf. 83.