Nursing Faculty/Staff Publications | Wegmans School of Nursing | St. John Fisher University
Research and scholarship from the faculty and staff of the Wegmans School of Nursing at St. John Fisher University.


Submissions from 2024


Implementation of a Parent Training Program During Community-Based Dissemination (From In-Person to Hybrid): Mixed Methods Evaluation, Heather McGrane Minton, Linda Murray, Marjorie J. Allan, Roslyn Perry, Amie F. Bettencourt, Deborah Gross, Lauri Strano, and Susan M. Breitenstein


Pilot educational intervention for the care of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder during puberty, Marcie McMahon, Dianne Cooney-Miner, Melissa Bourne, and Holly Brown

Submissions from 2023




Occupational Firefighting: A Detriment to Good Health, Lawrence Brumfield, Sarah Miner, Donna M. Tydings, and Mary Carey


Increasing Provider Self-Efficacy to Manage Chronic Cancer Pain, Carnel Jackson and Corey Jackson


1 Parents experiences in Slovenia during the COVID-19 pandemic, Petra Klanjsek, Leona Cilar Budler, Jadranka Stricevic, Tara L. Sacco, and Barbara Kegl


Parents experiences in Slovenia during the COVID-19 pandemic, Petra Klanjsek, Leona Cilar Budler, Jadranka Stricevic, Tara L. Sacco, and Barbara Kegl


Eat Sleep Console for the Management of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Process and Outcomes Evaluation, Michelle D. Slymon, Alison Simpson, Suzanne Mullin, and Pamela Ann Herendeen


A clinical classification framework for identifying persons with high social and medical needs: The COMPLEXedex-social determinants of health (SDH), Suzanne S. Sullivan, Kathryn M. Ledwin, and Sharon Hewner

Submissions from 2022


Mental Health of Older Adults With Intellectual Disability, Sarah H. Ailey, Tamar Heller, and Holly E. Brown


Psychometric Analysis and Evaluation of Next Gen Item Types Enhanced Hot Spot, Christine Boev


A qualitative exploration of nurse-physician collaboration in intensive care units, Christine Boev, Donna M. Tydings, and Caroline A. Critchlow


Association between weight loss and mortality in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Aleksandr Kalininskiy, Ashley Rose Rackow, David Nagel, Daniel Croft, Heather McGrane Minton, and Robert Matthew Kottmann

Video Games in Psychotherapy 1st Edition, Robert H. Rice


Outcomes of Childbirth Education in PRAMS, Phase 8, Jennifer Vanderlaan, Tricia Gatlin, and Jay Shen

Submissions from 2021


Clinical teacher self-efficacy: A concept analysis, Melissa Bourne, Suzanne C. Smeltzer, and Michelle M. Kelly


Healthcare inequities among adults with developmental disability: An integrative review with implications for nursing education, Melissa Bourne, Suzanne C. Smeltzer, and Michelle M. Kelly


The Beacon Collaborative: A Journey to Excellence, Deborah Hurley, Sarah M. Gantz, E. Kate Valcin, and Tara L. Sacco


The impact of nurse-led community-based models of care on hospital admission rates in heart failure patients: An integrative review, Kathryn M. Ledwin and Rebecca Lorenz


A comparison of teaching methods for a baccalaureate nursing health assessment course., Laura Markwick and Tara L. Sacco


An Outreach Phone Call Project: Using Home Health to Reach Isolated Community Dwelling Adults During the COVID 19 Lockdown, Sarah Miner, Lora Masci, Chris Chimenti, Nary Rin, Adrianne Mann, and Brigid Noonan


Nursing Faculty Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic Response, Tara L. Sacco Dr. and Michelle M. Kelly Dr.

Submissions from 2020


Nursing Professional Development Practitioners in Leadership Roles: Leading Academic–Practice Partnerships, Elizabeth Kiss, Alison Simpson, Charlene Smith, and Carol Susan Johnson

Submissions from 2019

Clinical Instructor Competence in Teaching Baccalaureate Nursing Students in Clinical Settings to Provide Quality Care for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities, Melissa Bourne

Structural Racism Initiative: Lessons Learned, Nancy M. Bowllan

Trauma Informed Care, Nancy M. Bowllan

CEA/TCAR; Care of the Vascular Surgery Patient, Desiree Branson


A Concept Analysis of Transitions of Care for Population Health, Laura Caramanica, Toby Bressler, Cecily L. Betz, Margarete L. Zalon, Deborah Shelton, Linda L. Chlan, Sarah Miner, and Cynthia Arslanian-Engoren

Rembrances, Dianne Cooney-Miner

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Maternal Mortality: Is Toxic Stress to Blame?, Abigail Derefinko and Kylene Abraham

A Political Analysis of Passing the BS in 10, Marilyn Dollinger

Assessment of Child Maltreatment, Pamela Ann Herendeen

Assessment of Child Sexual Abuse, Pamela Ann Herendeen


Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: An Update for the Forensic Nurse, Gail Horner, Saribel Garcia Quinones, Deborah Bretl, Audrey B. Courtney, Pamela Ann Herendeen, Linda Lewin, Julie A. Loyke, Kristen Morris, Naomi A. Schapiro, and Sheona Williams


Building a Safe and Healthy America: Eliminating Corporal Punishment via Positive Parenting, Gail Hornor, Saribel Garcia Quinones, Danielle Boudreaux, Deborah Bretl, Evelyn Chapman, Ellen M. Chiocca, Carrie Donnell, Pamela Ann Herendeen, Donna Kahn, Julie Loyke, Kristen A. Morris, Barbara Mulvaney, Diane H. Perks, Amy Terreros, and Brigit VanGraafeiland


The Evolution From Staff Development to Nursing Professional Development and Continuing Professional Development, Carol Susan Johnson and Charlene M. Smith

The Greatest Generation: Science, Technology, and Nurses’ Work, 1940-1968, John Kirchgessner

Golisano Institute for Developmental Disabilities Nursing, Bridging the Gap in Developmental Disabilities Nursing Care, Elizabeth Kiss

Golisano Institute for Developmental Disabilities Nursing, Bridging the Gap in Developmental Disabilities Nursing Care, Elizabeth Kiss

Integrating Cultural Competence in SBIRT Training, John M. Kiweewa


Stakeholder Perspectives on School-Based Guidance and Counseling in Uganda: Emerging Priorities for Student Support and Teacher Training, Brandon A. Knettel, Melissa M. Luke, John M. Kiweewa, Henry Nsubuga, Jessie T. Darkis, Obi Afriyie, and Deborah Ojiambo


Home health care services to persons with dementia and language preference, Chenjuan Ma, Linda Herrmann, Sarah Miner, Amy Witkoski Stimpfel, and Allison Squires


Cytomegalovirus: A growing problem, Natalie Masco-Dixon


Offering a Health Empowerment Program in a Faith-Based Community Clinic, Heather McGrane Minton, Megan C. Lytle, Renee Colman, Shelia Briody, Margaret Kristoffersen, and Silvia Sörensen

Pharmacologic Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure, Tara L. Sacco


The relationship of the work environment to compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue in critical care nurses, Tara L. Sacco


Management of Intracranial Pressure Part II: Nonpharmacologic Interventions, Tara L. Sacco and Jenna Davis

An NYONEL-Sponsored Contest to Determine the Influence of RN to BS Education on Nursing Practice, Kathleen F. Sellers, Linda Millenbach, Barbara ZIttel, Donna M. Tydings, and Claire Murray

Oral Health and Maternal Mortality: A Look at Rochester, New York, Nathan Shimer, Heather McGrane Minton, and Kylene Abraham

Physical Activity During Pregnancy: An Examination of Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, and Intention, Alison Simpson


Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Project Planning and Management, Charlene Smith and Carol Susan Johnson


Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Quality Improvement in Nursing Professional Development, Charlene Smith and Carol Susan Johnson

Classroom management and managing disruptive behavior, Charlene M. Smith

Leading educational innovation: Team-based learning, Charlene M. Smith


How language barriers influence provider workload for home health care professionals: A secondary analysis of interview data, Allison Squires, Sarah Miner, Eva Liang, Maichou Lor, Chenjuan Ma, and Amy Witkoski Stimpfel


Provider Perspectives of Medication Complexity in Home Health Care: A Qualitative Secondary Data Analysis, Allison Squires, Laura Ridge, Sarah Miner, Margaret McDonald, Sherry A. Greenberg, and Tara Cortes

Rembrances, Donna M. Tydings


Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Educational Technology Resources, Joanne Weinschreider, Katie Sabourin, and Charlene Smith

Submissions from 2018

Care of Mother and Neonate During the Postpartum Period, Kylene Abraham

Complications of the Childbearing Experience, Kylene Abraham

Gynecologic Disorders, Kylene Abraham

Maternal and Fetal Health, Kylene Abraham

Nursing Management During Labor and Delivery, Kylene Abraham

Opioid Prevention/Narcan Training, Gail Begley

Deadbeat Left Ventricle, and the Beat Goes On: A Multidimensional View of the Patient with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Christine Boev and Elizabeth Kiss

Understanding and Surviving Trauma, Tamara Clingerman

APRN’s in complex discharge planning, Lori Dambaugh

Respiratory Function and Therapy, Lori Dambaugh

Advocacy for New Graduates, Marilyn L. Dollinger

The Nurse, The Legislator, The Issues, Marilyn L. Dollinger

Using Nursing Research to Shape Health Policy, Marilyn L. Dollinger

Domestic Trafficking of Minors, Pamela Ann Herendeen

Impact of Poverty on Children, Pamela Ann Herendeen


Use of an Evidence‐Based Guideline for Management of Side Effects from Long‐Acting Reversible Contraceptives: A Quality Improvement Report, Julia Jacobson, Jacqueline Nasso, and J. Christopher Glantz


Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Legal and Ethical Issues for Nursing Professional Development Leaders, Carol Susan Johnson and Charlene Smith


Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Developing a Nursing Professional Development Department Plan, Carol Susan Johnson and Charlene M. Smith


Preparing Nursing Professional Development Practitioners in Their Leadership Role: Management and Leadership Skills, Carol Susan Johnson and Charlene M. Smith


Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Human Resource Management, Elizabeth Kiss and Charlene M. Smith

Optimal Development: How Uganda’s Social, Cultural, and Educational Systems Turn Children and Young People’s Dreams into Nightmares, John M. Kiweewa

Refugee Trauma: Building Culturally Responsive Healthcare Practices, John M. Kiweewa

Crisis and Trauma Intervention Strategies for Healthcare and Law Enforcement Professionals, John M. Kiweewa and S. Eberts


Tracking Growth Factors in Experiential Training Groups Through Tuckman’s Conceptual Model, John M. Kiweewa, Dennis Gilbride, Melissa Luke, and Tamara Clingerman


The clinical impact of pneumocystis and viral PCR testing on bronchoalveolar lavage in immunosuppressed patients, Daniel J. Lachant, Daniel P. Croft, Heather McGrane Minton, Dwight J. Hardy, Paritosh Prasad, and R. Matthew Kottmann

Developing a reliable measurement of changes in student attitudes through TeamSTEPPS Interprofessional training, Sean Leonard, Kylene Abraham, Anthony Corigliano, and Melanie Symoniak

Hepatic, Biliary, and Pancreatic Disorders, Natalie Masco-Dixon

A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Rochester Readiness Scale, Heather McGrane Minton

Understanding and Responding to Health Disparities in Medication Literacy for Limited English Proficient Home Health Care Patients, Sarah Miner

Consumer Directed Programs for LEP Elder Populations, Sarah Miner, L. Alvarado, S. Omar, G. Arneson, and S. Cohen


Medication Literacy and Somali Older Adults Receiving Home Care, Sarah Miner, Margaret McDonald, and Allison Squires


Case Study: Failure to Thrive or Child Abuse, James T. Mulholland, Stephanie Brown-Spain, and Paula Barbel


The Petal Project: An Innovation in Sexual Healthcare and Education for Kenyan Schoolgirls, Karen M. Parker

Building Proficiency in SBIRT through "Hands-On" Teamwork, Kathleen Plum, Gail Begley, Caroline A. Critchlow, Anthony Corigliano, Henry Moscicki, and Rosemary Shanahan


Management of Intracranial Pressure: Part I, Tara L. Sacco and Samantha Delibert

A Comparison of Instructional Methods for an Undergraduate Nursing Health Assessment Course, Tara L. Sacco and Laura Markwick

Fireside Chat: Program and project management, Charlene M. Smith

Program and project management skills for organizational innovation, Charlene M. Smith


Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Leadership Programs, Charlene M. Smith and Carol Susan Johnson


Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Theories Applied to Leadership in Nursing Professional Development, Charlene M. Smith and Carol Susan Johnson


Child Abuse: Intercepting Behavioral Health Issues, Mary Weglarz, Eileen Corcoran, Deborah Gutter, Paula Barbel, Stephanie Brown, James T. Mulholland, and Nina B. Colabelli

Submissions from 2017

TeamSTEPPS in Long-Term Care: An Academic Partnership, Kylene Abraham, Kathleen Dever, and Tammy Roman