A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Rochester Readiness Scale

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Poster Presentation

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Obesity is a world-wide health problem. While bariatric surgery is an effective and cost effective weight loss intervention, the ability to sustain weight loss is patient-specific and often difficult to achieve. No standard of care exists for the required psychiatric evaluation to assess a patient's readiness to change regarding the bariatric diet and lifestyle changes. The purpose of the current study was to psychometrically test the Rochester Readiness Scale (RRS) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to assess a patient's cognition, beliefs, and motivation addressing the bariatric diet and lifestyle changes.


CFA was performed using SAS 9.4 (PROC CALIS and PROC FACTOR). Four hundred and seventy-nine patients presenting to a clinic for the psychiatric evaluation for bariatric surgery completed the RRS on paper upon check-in to the clinic while waiting to be seen by the bariatric psychiatric evaluator.


The 15-item model was considered to have an adequate fit, as assessed by root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA=0.09, 90% CI=0.08, 0.10), goodness of fit index (GFI=0.87), and standardized root-mean-square residual (SRMR=0.07). Using a varimax rotation, three factors emerged within 12 iterations: Pre-contemplation (e.g., I am not able to be physically active), Contemplation (e.g., I am concerned about my overeating), and Action (e.g., I measure portion sizes for each of the food groups at each meal).


The RRS is a simple tool which may be used to assess patients' readiness to change and ultimately be able to predict who may be successful at long term maintenance of weight loss. Next steps include a cohort study to predict patient outcomes by their readiness to change, as measured by the RRS.


Poster presented at the Obesity Society’s Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, November 14, 2018.

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