The Seneca Falls Dialogues Journal | St. John Fisher University

The Seneca Falls Dialogues Journal is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, online journal that grows out of the Biennial Seneca Falls Dialogues conference. See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Volume: Volume 4 (2021) Disrupting the Past, Questioning the Present, Building the Future


The Seneca Falls Dialogues Journal, v. 4, 2021 (complete issue)
Lisa J. Cunningham, Mary E. Graham, and Jill Swiencicki


Being a Feminist Community During a Pandemic: Our Editors’ Welcome
Jill Swiencicki, Lisa J. Cunningham, and Mary E. Graham


Creating Seneca Falls Dialogues Journal
Deborah Uman and Barbara LeSavoy


Disrupters:Three Women of Color Tell Their Stories
Dulce María Gray, Denise A. Harrison, and Yuko Kurahashi


Contemporary Black Women's Voting Rights Activism: Some Historical Perspective
Alison Parker, Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, and Naomi R. Williams


#THEMTOO: Two NFL Team Options for Not Exploiting Women Cheerleaders
Melanie Kelly, Colby A. Murphy, and Mary E. Graham


Feminist Attitudes, Behaviors, and Culture Shaping Women’s Center Practice
Angela Clark-Taylor, Emily Creamer, Barbara LeSavoy, and Catherine Cerulli Dr.


Lisa J. Cunningham, PhD, St. John Fisher College
Mary E. Graham, PhD, Syracuse University
Jill Swiencicki, PhD, St. John Fisher College
Managing Editor
Pat Maxwell, MLS, SUNY Brockport

Cover Image

Cover image “Girl with Flowers” used with permission of the artist Brittany Williams. Contact WALL\THERAPY for more information.