Flipped on Assessment
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Assessment meets active learning! Following our introductory keynote speakers and panel discussion, facilitators will lead an active learning class organized around needs assessment, developing outcomes/logic model (including exercises), and next steps. How do you determine what to assess? How do you create outcomes? Then what? Join us in the launch of the NY 3Rs Association, Inc.’s Assessment & Outcome I2NY Initiative and take one step closer to becoming an assessment maven!
Learning Outcomes:
1. Obtain hands-on experience in the development of assessment activities and materials.
2. Successfully collaborate in a flipped instructional model.
3. Develop an assessment skill set.
4. Identify opportunities for collaboration and continuing professional development.
Publication Information
Ackerman, Wendi; Considine, Sue; Currie, Susan; Greco, Nancy; and Todd, Mary Linda, "Flipped on Assessment" (2014). Lavery Library Faculty/Staff Publications. Paper 35.
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Presented at the New York Library Association (NYLA) Annual Conference in Saratoga Springs, New York, on November 5, 2014. Sponsored by NY3Rs.