"Hash Marks to Hashtags; Turning Statistics into Strategic Value Statem" by Melissa Jadlos and Christina Hillman

Document Type

Poster Presentation

Publication Date





The poster will describe an innovative method for tracking library statistics and mapping them to Strategic Plans and Learning Goals. In addition to standard library statistics, previously untracked contributions are documented, such as internal projects and professional development. Using Google Forms, library interactions are collected in one place and turned into value statements. Using Twitter, the library is able to connect these value statements to the library strategic plan by creating a hashtag for each strategic goal. For example: Librarians spend over 200 hours in one-on-one research consultations #laverylearn


Poster presented at the conference Reinventing Libraries: Reinventing Assessment held at Baruch College, June 6, 2014

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Additional Files

THE FORM narrative June 2014.pdf (319 kB)
