"The Effects of Recognition on Morale, Communication and Retention at a" by Kelly S. Engert

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development



First Supervisor

Timothy Franz

Second Supervisor

Seth Silver

Third Supervisor

Pat Carroll


Maslow, Herzberg, Peters, Kovach, Vroom, Blanchard, and many others have identified the critical role recognition has played in motivating employees and rewarding them for their accomplishments. Numerous studies have indicated that organizations with high employee satisfaction report higher customer satisfaction scores, higher productivity, and higher profits. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of a new informal recognition program implemented at a local Non-Profit Organization. This study worked directly with a 60person department that had low morale, moderate turnover and a need for implementing improvements in recognition. In order to determine if the recognition program had an effect on the organization and department, a survey was administered prior to implementation of a recognition program with a follow-up survey to measure the effects. The survey was designed based on reliable and predictable surveys created by Fields (2002) and Ferris and Rowland (1987). The findings of the survey indicate that subsequent to the implementation of the recognition program employees felt that communication had become slightly worse at the organization. However, the survey shows that employees felt that the goals of the organization had become clearer to them and they felt that work assignments were more fully explained to them. There was no change in whether the employees felt that they know what is going on with the organization. The survey findings also showed a slight increase in employee morale. The findings indicated that the changes observed were not statistically significant.

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