"The Effect of Applicant Appearance on Hiring Decisions, Perceptions of" by Suzan M. Elzey

Date of Award/Publication


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Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development




This qualitative case study focused on the Impact of appearance in relation to perception, confidence and job performance. It used five professional participants from various industries in Rochester, NY to investigate the perceptions and impact of attractiveness during the interview process. The following are key themes that were found : ~ Non verbal communication is paramount. All five participants discussed the importance of eye contact, staying focused and being engaged. ~ Good listening skills being engaged are a plus ~ First impressions are indeed lasting ~ Dress is important but it is not everything ~ Confidence, knowledge and strong interpersonal skills are extremely beneficial during the interview process The researcher suggests that appearance, specifically; mode of dress is directly correlated with the perception of confidence and success. Appearance is a major factor in hiring decisions. The researcher cautions applicants from depending solely on appearance alone, as experience, and skills are extremely important but appearance plays a major factor in perception.

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