"The "Empowering Leadership" of Jesus. Useful Wisdom for HRD Profession" by William K. Ng'ang'a Fr.

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development



First Supervisor

Seth Silver

Second Supervisor

Tim Franz

Third Supervisor

Leo Hetzler


Many organizations yearn for an "empowering leadership" capable of transforming organizations to high performance, quality and productivity, but few achieve this goal. This review investigated Jesus' "empowering leadership" and what made it so transformative that, even after some 2000 years, his organization is more or less the longest and best-run especially in comparison with many other famous organizations that have come and gone. This study will show that personal example, empowerment, servant leadership, and compassion are the main ingredients in an effective and transforming leadership strategy for organizations. This review will shed some light on what inhibits or enables empowerment m organizations and what leaders need to "shake off' in order for them to become truly empowering leaders. Some light has also been shed on the role of HRD Professionals and Practitioners in an attempt to attain empowering leadership in organizations.

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