"When Younger Bosses Manage Older Workers: What Leadership Style Works " by Janet C. Lovejoy

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development



First Supervisor

Seth Silver

Second Supervisor

Timothy Franz


The researcher, conducted interviews to explore the dynamics of what happens when there IS a younger manager managing older employees and to seek practical suggestions to help both the younger managers and older workers to become more effective and satisfied. Qualitative research along with a literature review helped the researcher to determine if there was a difference in leadership styles in different generations. Based on the findings, the researcher identified five key points, such as No Difference in Leadership; Communications between generations is utilized differently; Managing Change is critical; Technology between Generations must be supported; and the last key finding was Diversity is important. These finding came out of the one-on-one interviews and focus groups and for ideas for future research.

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