"A Study of the Workplace Attitudes of Professional and Nonprofessional" by Britton John Lui

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development




This study examined 439 employees in the ambulatory care facility of a large, academic medical center. It specifically examined difference in the workplace attitudes of professional and nonprofessional staff. Multidimensional measures of satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors were used, along with a measure of affective organizational commitment. Primary results suggest that professional (licensed) staff are more satisfied, more committed, and more likely to express organizational citizenship behaviors than are nonprofessional (unlicensed) staff. Secondary results suggest that professional licensure is correlated with satisfaction and organizational commitment and that the two constructs are potentially correlated with each other. Both satisfaction and organizational commitment are also highly correlated with organizational citizenship behaviors. These results suggest a potential model between the three constructs examined. Implications for future research and practice are provided.

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