"When the Patient Seems Healthy, What Must Be Wrong? An Organizational " by Karen Castro-Lichtenberger

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development



First Supervisor

Seth Silver

Second Supervisor

Timothy Franz

Third Supervisor

Suzanne Sefton-Silver


AIDS Rochester, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that is committed to enhancing the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS. ARI accomplishes its goals reasonably well and seems to have positive relations with funding sources. ARl administration wanted to increase their awareness of how they can ultimately create an environment of employee satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. The researcher, acting as a third-party consultant, conducted an organizational assessment, of AIDS Rochester, Inc., focusing on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Qualitative and quantitative research along with a literature review enabled the researcher to determine the areas that the organization can further develop, such as poor teamwork, poor reward system and stagnation. Based on the findings, the researcher made recommendations for future action, such as implementing a mentoring program, restructure the performance appraisal system and provide development trainings to employees. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of AIDS Rochester, Inc. , as a result of the focus groups and the Blockage Questionnaire, are reviewed. Areas for future research are also discussed.

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