"The Best Companies to Work For: How Do Organizations Get On That Prest" by Jill M. Morris

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development




Fortune Magazine has "The 100 Best Companies To Work For." HR Magazine has " The 50 Best Small and Medium Companies to Work For." Every year thousands of companies compete to become a " Best Company." This research study examines the five dimensions that establish a "Best Company." Extent research and literature has been examined to further understand each of the dimensions. Representatives of four "Best Companies" were interviewed to gain insight into policies, practices and procedures that have made each organization a "Best Company." The information gathered was then compiled to identify four key themes lending to practical suggestions other organization could use to help get onto a "Best Company"· list. These themes are: (1) the importance of training; (2) the organization· s need to support its employees; (3) a strong emphasis on communication; (4) the importance of recognizing employees' efforts.

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