Becoming a Better Teacher Means Becoming a Better Learner: Metacognitive Abilities Predict Effective Learning Strategy Use by College Instructors

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Conference Proceeding

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Metacognitively-supportive teaching practices encourage effective student learning. Primary and secondary educators often receive formal training in these and other teaching strategies. However, college faculty are infrequently provided with sufficient pedagogical training to encourage the development of metacognitively-supportive teaching methods. In this study, we aim to understand what factors contribute to the effective use of metacognition by college instructors. We asked college instructors from an array of disciplines to evaluate their own degree of metacognition, their use of metacognitively-supportive teaching practices, and their promotion of metacognition among their own students.


Presented at the 2023 Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Worcester, MA, October 20, 2023.

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