"Using Interprofessional Education as a Means to Enhance Personal and P" by Matthew Zak, Anthony Corigliano et al.

Using Interprofessional Education as a Means to Enhance Personal and Professional Development

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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The ACPE 2016 standards have increased emphasis on Interprofessional Education (IPE) and skills in the affective domain such as personal and professional development. The Wegmans School of Pharmacy (WSOP) at St. John Fisher College has prepared for the transition to the new standards by incorporating IPE into the pre-APPE (Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience) curriculum so that students improve their communication skills, plan for their professional development, and learn to deal effectively with other healthcare providers. WSOP has incorporated TeamSTEPPS® training into its curriculum. TeamSTEPPS® is an evidence-based teamwork system designed to improve communication and teamwork skills among healthcare professionals. Training is comprised of preparatory work, a 4-hour workshop, and learning scenarios in groups. Both nursing and pharmacy faculty co-present modules using the TeamSTEPPS® slides followed by an online post-work assessment and course evaluation surveys. WSOP students also experience several thorough and unique exercises during their Introduction to Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) III and IV. The IPPE-III course places students in a long-term care facility, each paired with a patient. Students spend over 10 hours on-site interviewing the patient, working up a comprehensive medication plan, and interacting with members of the healthcare team. 15 hours of IPPE-III classroom time supplement this training through lectures offered by different members of the health care team sharing their roles and perspectives. The IPPE-IV class offers additional classroom instruction focused on the skills needed to succeed on advanced rotations. This course requires an additional 30 hours onsite, working closely with the WSOP clinical faculty.




Presented at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting in National Harbor, Maryland, July 11-15, 2015.

Abstract published in American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2015; 79 (5) Article S4: https://www.ajpe.org/content/79/5/S4

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