Evaluation of Student Performance and Satisfaction With Team Based Learning Compared to Traditional Lecture

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Poster Presentation

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Objectives: Determine the impact of course redesign, from traditional lecture format to team based learning (TBL) in a flipped classroom.

Method: Self-Care and Natural Products is a required course in the second professional year. A novel redesign was implemented moving from traditional lecture format to a format where the amount of time dedicated to topics increased and comprised of both structured student-directed and TBL activities. Pre-class assignments, along with a case based approach, were designed to practice effective communication skills and foster critical thinking. Assessment of student knowledge shifted to individual and team readiness assurance tests along with case-based essay exams. Performance on exams was compared between three cohorts. Additionally, student course evaluations were assessed for both quantitative and qualitative themes between the cohorts.

Results: Analysis was completed for one cohort of the lecture based format and two cohorts of the TBL format. Overall exam averages (±SD) indicate minimal change between the designs (81.64±9.6 for lecture format; 84.59±7.6 and 82.4±11.2 for the TBL cohorts). Similar trends were seen for course averages (84.75 for lecture format; 87.65 and 85.98 for the TBL cohorts). Course evaluations, completed using a 7-point Likert scale, revealed overall averages of 4.47 for the lecture format with 6.12 and 5.98 for the TBL format.

Implications: Based on our results, team based learning in a flipped classroom had no negative effect on student performance and greatly improved satisfaction. This course design may allow for development of critical thinking and expansion of knowledge base while improving student engagement.




Poster presented at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, July 15-19, 2017.

Abstract is published in American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education June 2017: Volume 81, Issue 5, Article S5: https://www.ajpe.org/content/81/5/S5

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