NIH Center of Excellence in Pain Education Interprofessional Case Studies: Applications in Social Pharmacy and Experiential Education

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



In 2012, the NIH funded the Rochester Collaborative Center of Excellence in Pain Education to develop three interprofessional case studies for entry level health professions education. The cases are designed to both improve the quality of inter professional pain education while also supporting more frequent exposures to pain management during health professions education.

Aims: To consider how portions of the video, exercises and slides used that comprise these cases might be used to illustrated concepts in social pharmacy while reinforcing pain management concepts. To identify opportunities to collaborate on new cases.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe why interprofessional pain management education is a focus of the NIH.
  2. Identify at least 3 sections from 3 patient cases (each 2-3 hours long) that might be used to illustrate concepts or methods in social pharmacy education.
  3. Recommend at least 1 new topic, concept or skill in social pharmacy education that would be useful to develop in future cases.

Description of Workshop Activities

  1. Overview of US federal interest in improving pain education and pain management and the Rochester Collaborative Center of Excellence in Pain Education. (Lavigne, 10 minutes)
  2. Active Learning Exercise: Participants will identify the top social pharmacy concepts that are central to social pharmacy education using a worksheet that will be handed in and tallied. (10 minutes)
  3. Example application of using pain case study materials in a population based healthcare class (Lavigne, 10 minutes)
  4. Active Learning Exercise: Mapping Cases to Social Pharmacy Learning Objectives. Participants will work in small groups using worksheets to map materials from 1 of the 3 cases to concepts in social pharmacy taught in their curricula or courses. (25 minutes)
  5. Active Learning: Groups will share their findings with all participants. (15 minutes)
  6. Collaboration: We will elicit participant interest in piloting cases in coursework or other educational initiatives and sharing assessment data to evaluate and improve cases. (20 minutes)



Presented at the International Social Pharmacy Workshop in Boston, Massachusetts, August 2014.

Abstract published in Research and Social & Administrative Pharmacy, Sept-Oct 2014. Vol 10:5: Page e74:

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