Awakening the Pharmacist in You(th): The Design and Evaluation of a Pharmacy Career Awareness Program

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Conference Proceeding

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Objectives: The Exploring Pharmacy as a Career awareness program was developed to provide a means to expose high school students to pharmacy careers and opportunities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate this program and its impact on participants. Method: A six-week long evening program was developed for high school students to raise awareness and provide opportunities to learn about the pharmacy profession. Three sessions were reserved for pharmacy career information, pharmacy school admission requirements and related pharmacy topics. The remaining three sessions were devoted to active learning opportunities; participants visited both community and institutional pharmacies and completed hands-on activities in the compounding laboratory of the School of Pharmacy. At the completion of the program, a thirteen-question anonymous survey instrument including Likert-type (1 = Low, 5 = High) and open-ended questions was administered to the participants for the purpose of program evaluation and improvement. Results: Of the 25 participants, 17 (68%) completed the survey. Participants responded positively in all question areas, with mean scores ranging from 3.47 – 4.94. Compiled data from respondents indicated their interest in the pharmacy profession increased throughout the program, increasing from 4.06 before the program to 4.41 after completion. Responses to Likert-type and open-ended questions revealed that the compounding laboratory exercises and visits to the hospital pharmacy were the program highlights. Implications: In addition to efforts to recruit qualified college students, Schools/Colleges of Pharmacy, using programs such as the Exploring Pharmacy as a Career, can stimulate primary demand for pharmacy education as well as provide a valued service to the local community


Presented at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) annual meeting in Grapevine, Texas, in July 2014. Abstract published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2014; 78 (5) Article 111:

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