"Technology Support and Management" by Joanne Weinschreider and Katie Sabourin

Technology Support and Management

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date





Chapter 12: The use of technology in nursing professional development (NPD) practice has grown exponentially over the past decade. The use of technology in education is expected to continue to increase into the future (Cooper & Taqueti, 2004; Davis & Surajballi, 2014; Harper, Durkin, Kilcoyne-Orthoefer, Powers, & Tassinari, 2014; Pilcher & Bradley, 2013). Feedback from a national technology survey sponsored by ANPD suggests that NPD practitioners need to develop expertise in content design and use of educational technologies, including expanding competencies in technology knowledge and expertise (Harper et al., 2014). These recommendations have a major impact on the role of NPD practitioner on several fronts, including curriculum redesign and applying technology to deliver high-quality education. Accordingly, NPD leaders are challenged in the Nursing Professional Development: Scope and Standards of Practice (Harper & Maloney, 2016) to develop "innovative solutions and strategies to secure appropriate resources and technology for professional development initiatives" (p. 54) and to administer "human resources, facilities, materials, equipment, and technology for educational activities" (p. 50).

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