"Reading Fluency and the Implications it has on Student Achievement" by Kelsey Turner

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education


The development of literacy skills is a primary goal of the elementary curriculum . Reading, writing, speaking and listening are codependent skills that are necessary in every academic area and aspect of life. Reading fluency plays an integral role in the reading process. Without accuracy, appropriate rate and expression, the heart of fluency, is lost and comprehension is negatively impacted. Since reading fluency is a critical skill for elementary aged students to master, it is important that teachers are informed of strategies and techniques that can be implemented in order to promote this important life skill. This research will attempt to share the importance of fluency within the classroom with an emphasis on its connection to comprehension. It will also uncover several ways to effectively integrate reading fluency techniques into daily instruction without interrupting the curriculum. Finally it will provide different forms of assessment that will aid in the development of reading fluency .

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