Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education


Academic Intervention Services (AJS) are in response to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act . The state ofNew York has legislated that schools are required to offer students who fail to meet the standards on state tests services to close the gap. This research will look at the history behind why the federal government has stepped in and required states to do something about low achievement scores. The review also looks at the different practices by other states to meet NCLB. AIS is a complicated program and this paper looks at what it entails, how it is determined what students are serviced and, why and how the students are serviced AJS can be useful in meeting the needs of those students who might not be able to meet state requirements and help them to be successful in their educational process. This research uncovers the best practices for assisting students through AIS.

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