"When the job you were hired for changes: Realigning job descriptions w" by Christina Hillman and Mia Breitkopf

Document Type

Poster Presentation

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In this poster, two librarians at two different institutions will present results of job audits they completed, based on the Academic Library Value: The Impact Starter Kit by Megan Oakleaf (2017). Collaborating across institutions, these early-career librarians were able to work through the job audit process together, and engage in open discussions that might have been impossible with a different colleague at their home institutions.

These librarians each decided to complete a job audit because they saw a need to recast their job descriptions. Each holds a position that was newly created at the time they were hired, in order to support their colleges’ rapid growth in online, distance, and hybrid education. At the same time, these librarians were new to librarianship, and faced similar challenges. First of these challenges was learning a new job in an environment where each librarian knew their position was needed, but there were no signposts. As they settled into their roles, and continued to grow their work, they began to realize that much of their jobs had morphed due to change in both of their home institutions. Their job descriptions no longer accurately represented their actual day-to-day work, and they started looking for a way to reconcile this disparity.

Poster attendees will not only see the results of these two job audits, but have the chance to hear from these librarians about their experiences. Attendees will learn about changes have made at their respective institutions regarding their job descriptions. Poster attendees will be able to understand the job audit process in order to be able to do it themselves. This poster will provide a starting point for conversations about realigning job priorities to your institution, proving your value, and reinvigorating the love you have for your job.


Poster presented at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference in Cleveland, Ohio on April 12, 2019.

This poster was presented at an interactive poster session. The poster is available here. The available file contains all the poster's content as a PDF.

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