Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Dianne Cooney-Miner

Second Supervisor

Diane Reed


Keeping children behaviorally appropriate and in their classrooms has become increasingly challenging for today's educational professionals where there is less tolerance for classroom disruption, greater expectation of performance and higher paced learning formats. These professionals face even greater dilemmas if they enter the classroom without confidence that the skills they have will be the right fit for managing students who struggle behaviorally. A Likert scale survey was used for this quantitative study to assess perceived beliefs of educational professionals concerning self-efficacy in managing classroom behavior, and their readiness (ability and willingness) to differentiate approaches to behavior intervention in order to meet the individual behavior needs of students. A small sample of New York State K-12 special and general education professionals along with those from K-12 day treatment programs, who were all trained in the skills of Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI) techniques, were contacted to participate in this study. Of the 184 potential participants, 70 completed the survey. The results of this survey were analyzed using descriptive, correlational, MANOVA and Means to examine the findings. The data supported that belief in self-efficacy was significantly related to readiness. In addition a high correlation was supported between readiness to consider alternative intervention techniques for individual students and the value these participants placed on the LSCI training. Years of experience was also a factor related to self-efficacy for the status areas of teachers and "others." Recommendations for education and training to promote school improvement concerning classroom management were included in this study along with recommendations for executive leaders and for future research.

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