"Establishment of Standards of Practice at the Monroe Regional Informat" by Amy S. Perry-DelCorvo

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Raymond J. Giamartino, Jr.

Second Supervisor

John Mavromatis


The Monroe Regional Information Center (RIC) is part of an education service agency that provides technology support for instructional and administrative technology services. The Monroe RIC services 19 component public school districts in Monroe County, NY. Various administrative and instructional services are offered through the RIC. The problem statement is the 19 component districts of the Monroe I and Monroe 2 BOCES have stated significant concerns regarding the leadership, communication, cost and equity of Monroe RIC services (Rockefeller Institute, 2005). The purpose of the research study was to examine the RIC through the eyes of three stakeholder groups: Component District Superintendents, District Technology Directors and the RIC employees. An online survey was utilized to identify the perceptual gaps between the districts and employees. Consistent with the findings of the 2005 Rockefeller Study, identified differences in perceptions were identified as communication. responsiveness and views related to sole service providers. This gap in perception continues to impede the success of the Monroe RIC. Recommendations for_the RIC include developing a set of measurable goals and outcomes developed by multiple stakeholder groups. This metrics should be used for annual review of RIC service deliverable and revision of current service delivery standards in order to meet the needs of the component districts.

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