Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Dr. Stephen Draper

Second Supervisor

Dr. Jason Skeeter


This qualitative phenomenological study examined elementary teachers’ perceptions of professional learning communities (PLCs) and the impact they have on their professional practice, particularly concerning teacher retention. Semi-structured interviews were utilized to gain data on how teachers feel about the work they are engaged in when functioning as a PLC within their school. Through this research, teachers evaluated if the time spent in PLCs has improved their work lives and job satisfaction, thus impacting their commitment to stay in the profession. The findings revealed that teachers view PLCs as providing meaningful opportunities for professional growth, collaboration, and developing student-centered practices. Factors like principal leadership, PLC meeting routines, group dynamics, data accessibility, and teacher input emerged as significant motivators shaping whether teachers perceive PLCs as authentic drivers of learning and improvement. Positive PLC experiences promoting teacher retention were associated with a supportive professional culture, concrete opportunities for instructional mastery, beliefs that efforts enhanced student outcomes, and reduced feelings of isolation. The data highlights how PLCs, done well, create a renewed sense of collective efficacy, purpose, and commitment to the profession.

The research implications underscore that simply implementing the PLC structural model is insufficient for achieving positive outcomes if schools do not intentionally cultivate the enabling conditions and experiences that empower teachers to become invested and see the work as beneficial to their craft. Specific recommendations are provided for further research, district and school leaders, policymakers, and teacher educators to leverage PLCs as a catalyst for instructional improvement and teacher retention.

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