"The Essential Role of Positive Behavior Supports in Today’s Schools" by Amanda Rodas-Richwalder

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Special Education



First Supervisor

Susan M. Schultz


Individuals know what behavior is and at some point have reacted using a positive or negative behavior. It is important for adults to teach young individuals how to express their own or react to others behavior; depending on how behavior is taught to an individual depends how they positively or negatively may react to a situation. In both the literature review and collected data from surveys it is expressed that it is important to model expected behavior and how it should appropriately be used in certain situations. Also it was expressed that it is important for individuals to be responsible for their own behaviors; and that adults need to correct negative behavior; this way individuals learn and can in the future use more positive behaviors. To collect data an electronic anonymous survey way distributed to teachers in two different school districts to find out teachers’ point of view on positive behavior supports. The data allowed for there to be an investigation into how teachers feel about and use positive behavior supports. Furthermore, the also data investigated whether positive behavior supports are found school-wide or just in the classroom and how this affects student’s behaviors.

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Education Commons
