"Pre-Employment Training and Testing as a Recruitment and Retention Str" by Ryan Caster

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development



First Supervisor

Seth Silver

Second Supervisor

Tim Franz

Third Supervisor

Marilynn Butler


This study assess es the effectiveness of implementing a pre-employment training program as a selective hiring strategy to improve quality recruitment and increase employee retention . Does such a program effectively weed o u t poor performers and retain the most highly skilled applicants? In order to assess a local organization's pre-employment program, a mailer survey instrument was sent t o 120 employees of t h e organization, both past and present . Two focus groups, one comprised of employees and the other consisting of trainers/supervisors, were also facilitated to glean personal knowledge. The end results indicate many positives regarding instituting a pre-employment training program and recruiting highly skilled, better prepared personnel . A direct link to improving retention rates did not surface, due to the low sample population and the relative freshness of the program - not enough applicants have yet gone through the program to have stayed with the company long enough for their attrition rates to yet have significant numbers . Further research studying retention rates of these groups of applicants must be conducted, perhaps with multiple organizations involved.

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