"Impact of Fantasy Sports on Participants’ Interest in Real-League Occu" by Michael Carroll

Date of Publication

Spring 2013

Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Professor's Name

Katharine Burakowski


Fantasy sports have developed into their own significant section of the sport industry, accounting for $4 billion and having over 32 million participants in the United States and Canada (FSTA, 2012). Academic research into fantasy sports is a fairly new, and much of it has focused on motivation behind fantasy gaming, while any consumer behavior research has been focused on media consumption and team identification. This research is for determining what the relationship between fantasy sport participation and consumption of information about league current events, such as rule changes, labor issues, and team rebranding, is. The participants in this research took a survey posted on Facebook and Twitter, and were between 18 and 25 years of age. This information helps leagues find if fantasy sports help increase the depth of a fan’s commitment to the league. There was also information gathered about fantasy sports’ perception as a form of gambling, due its tumultuous past.
