"Assessing the Emotional Pull of Advertising" by Kristine M. Smith

Date of Publication

Fall 2013

Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Professor's Name

Katharine Burakowski


The consideration of different running shoe advertisements provoking different emotions in sport consumers was examined in this research. The concept of different emotions leading to different buying behavior of consumers was also looked to be studied. Through snowball sampling, a survey was sent out to participants and results were examined. General demographic questions were asked along with questions about what different feelings participants experienced from looking at three different advertisements. They were also asked how these feelings would change their buying behavior. Responses were categorized into positive, negative, and neutral feelings and intent to purchase was also compared. Participants included adults, male and female and were from the online social media network, Facebook. Basic findings were expected to produce positive emotions resulting in an increased purchase intention and negative feelings resulting in decreased purchase intention. This study will be beneficial to the sport marketing community in further identifying the role emotions play in sport consumer’s behavior.
