"Literary Philosophers: Irving Singer and George Santayana" by Timothy Madigan

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2016


In lieu of an abstract, here is the article's first paragraph:

The noted philosopher and Santayana scholar Irving Singer, author of the magisterial three-volume work The Nature of Love, died on February 1, 2015, aged 89. Singer was born in Brooklyn on December 24, 1925, and served in World War II. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard in 1948, under the G.I. Bill. The following year he wed Josephine Fisk, an opera singer with whom he had four children. They spent a year at Oxford (1949–1950), during which time Singer read The Last Puritan, and in 1950 they took a trip to Italy to meet its author. This trip is related in detail in the delightful article, “A Pilgrimage to Santayana,” which can be found in Singer’s 2000 book George Santayana, Literary Philosopher, an essential work for anyone interested in the life and thought of Santayana


This article is also available through the archives at the IUPUI University Library: http://ulib.iupui.edu/collections/Santayana.

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