"Russell in Popular Culture" by Timothy Madigan

Document Type

Book Chapter

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In lieu of an abstract, here is the chapter's first paragraph:

IN DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER JOHN MICHAEL MCDONAGH'S 2011 Quentin Tarantino-Hke comic film The Guard, there is a bizarre scene where three hit men, for no apparent reason, while driving down an Irish road get into a heated debate over who the world's greatest philosopher might be.

It is amusing that the chauvinistic characters are willing to reconsider Russell's greatness once they can stop thinking of him as an Englishman, but no doubt Lord Russell himself, given his cosmopolitan leanings as well as his oft-professed love for his Englishness, might have been doubly offended by their banter, not to say their subsequent actions of gunning down a police officer in cold blood. Still, it's yet another example of Russell's ubiquitiousness. His name and image often pop up in the most unexpected places.


Timothy Madigan also co-editor of this book.

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Copyright © 2016 by Tim Madigan and Peter Stone, published by Tiger Bark Press.

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