Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Educational Technology Resources

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The use of educational technology in nursing professional development (NPD) is an important component in creating effective, convenient, and accessible education for staff, providers, and patients across healthcare systems and geographic locations. As a leader in implementing education in varied learning and practice environments, it is necessary for the NPD practitioner to identify resources needed and constantly scan the environment for innovative solutions, procure necessary resources, and administer resources for educational programming (Harper & Maloney, 2016). Per the 2016 Nursing Professional Development: Scope and Standards of Practice, the resources needed for educational activities include “human resources, facilities, materials, equipment, and technology” (Harper & Maloney, 2016, p. 54). Consequently, the NPD leader must stay current and knowledgeable regarding educational technology solutions on the horizon and engage in research to establish technology-infused teaching/learning strategies that meet the demands of educational programs in healthcare organizations. The integration of educational technology should support learning outcomes, in addition to addressing efficiency and fiscal accountability to meet the learners’ and organizational learning needs. Educational technologies applied in NPD described include standard technologies and emerging technologies in health care and education, with implications for leaders in NPD.


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