A comparison of teaching methods for a baccalaureate nursing health assessment course.

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New teaching methods are designed and implemented to ensure student success and application of knowledge. One of these designs is the flipped classroom. Nursing programs are also integrating technology, including simulation, into nursing education in order to enhance student engagement. Although several research studies support flipped classroom methodology, no studies have compared traditional and flipped classroom teaching methods, as well as the use of a technology-enhanced classroom, in a baccalaureate nursing health assessment course. The purpose of this study was to compare learning outcomes and student satisfaction in an undergraduate health assessment course across three teaching methods: traditional lecture, flipped classroom, and a technology-enhanced interactive flipped classroom. All three methods incorporated virtual patient simulation. Using a quasi-experimental design, formative and summative assignment grades were compared. Student course evaluations were compared to assess satisfaction with each teaching method. Significant differences in mean grades were found in 12 of the 23 assignments. The technology-enhanced interactive flipped classroom section outperformed the traditional and flipped classroom sections on most of these assessments. Only one difference was noted in student satisfaction. The results showed that a technology-enhanced interactive flipped classroom design supported student learning. A longitudinal analysis of student performance is recommended.


https://doi: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000770


This is a non-final version of an article published in final form in CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

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