Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Advanced Practice Nursing

First Supervisor

Christine Nelson-Tuttle

Second Supervisor

Nancy Wilk


Background: Many studies have shown the benefit of allowing families to be present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). However, healthcare providers exhibit concern and hesitation about encouraging families to be at the bedside during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Purpose: Promote insight concerning the barriers that prevent health care providers from encouraging family presence during CPR. Research question: What are the attitudes of health care providers toward family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (FRDR) and are they more willing to welcome family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation if a family support person present is present? Method: A survey was presented to medical intensive care unit staff. Results: A total of 40 Medical Intensive Care staff members participated which consisted of 26 nurses, 4 doctors, 3 patient care technicians, and 7 respiratory care therapists. Eighty percent of nurses, 75% of doctors, 100 % of patient care technicians, and 71.5 % of the respiratory therapists who participated in this study either strongly agreed or agreed with the questions “I support a hospital family presence policy if the situation is appropriate and a designated family presence facilitator is present.” A significant correlation among two of the survey questions was shown. These questions suggested a moderately strong tendency for people who agreed with FPDR also agreed with a hospital family presence policy if the situation was appropriate and a designed family presence facilitator was present. Conclusion: The findings of this study identified barriers to FPDR, and future research is necessary to make changes to better serve patients and their families while also meeting the needs of health care workers.

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