Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Advanced Practice Nursing

First Supervisor

Christine Nelson Tuttle

Second Supervisor

Nancy Wilk


Abstract: Cultural competency is essential to patient and family centered care, and signifies recognition of the patient’s and family’s healthcare beliefs, customs, and values. Understanding these concepts opens communication with families and healthcare providers and brings out information needed to make the End-of-Life process as meaningful, respectful, and comfortable as possible. This study explored pediatric nursing attitudes on education for cultural relevance and cultural consideration during the end-of-life process. A cross-sectional survey was emailed to pediatric nurses working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Pediatric Cardiac Care Center (PCCC) in a children’s center associated within a teaching hospital in 2017. In total, 326 pediatric nurses were sampled. The overall response rate was 9.6 percent with matching pre and post-surveys. Most held BSN (76.7%), 80% of participants worked in the NICU, and 90% of participants had some end-of-life education during their nursing education and/or career. Cultural relevance and its consideration is an important part of the pediatric nursing role. Improving awareness and education related to cultural relevance and understanding family needs can immeasurably improve the End-of-Life experience for dying children and their families.

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