Increasing Knowledge of Human Papillomavirus Among Young Adults

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type

DNP Project Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice


HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection, affecting more than 43 million Americans. HPV is a public health concern because it is the leading cause of cervical, oropharyngeal, vulvar, vaginal, and anal cancer. Despite a highly effective vaccine, the rate of HPV vaccine completion among young adults falls below the Healthy People goal. In efforts to combat this public health concern, an educational brochure was distributed as a quality improvement project in an urban primary care office. After this educational intervention was implemented, there was a significant increase in young adults who received the HPV vaccine from their primary care provider.


Published in The Journal of Nurse Practitioners, Volume 18, Issue 6, June 2022, Pages 618-621.

