Research and scholarship from doctoral students in the Wegmans School of Nursing at St. John Fisher University.


Submissions from 2024


Pilot educational intervention for the care of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder during puberty, Marcie McMahon, Dianne Cooney-Miner, Melissa Bourne, and Holly Brown


Implementation of a New Graduate Registered Nurse Mentorship Program: A Quality Improvement Project, Cindy N. Ruisi


Guiding the Management of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: A Quality Improvement Project, Lauren Sheldon, Donna M. Tydings, and Tara L. Sacco

Submissions from 2023


Eat Sleep Console for the Management of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Process and Outcomes Evaluation, Michelle D. Slymon, Alison Simpson, Suzanne Mullin, and Pamela Ann Herendeen

Submissions from 2021


Arsenic: It’s Not Just for Rats. The Benefits of Arsenic Trioxide for the Treatment of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, Lauren Sheldon


Increasing Knowledge of Human Papillomavirus Among Young Adults, Carissa Singh


BarberED then Screened: Disrupting the Colorectal Cancer Disparity in Urban Black Men, Wilhemina Sizer and Yvette Conyers

Submissions from 2020


Employee Wellness Pilot Program, Michelle Van Kirk

Submissions from 2019


Cancer Survivorship in a Rural County, Ashley L. Hendershot

Submissions from 2018

Improving Medication Safety Practices and Confidence of Newly Licensed Nurses Using Simulation, Stephanie Dodd


Use of an Evidence‐Based Guideline for Management of Side Effects from Long‐Acting Reversible Contraceptives: A Quality Improvement Report, Julia Jacobson, Jacqueline Nasso, and J. Christopher Glantz

Submissions from 2017


Implementation & Evaluation of an Interprofessional TeamSTEPPS Simulation Program, Valerie Grapensteter


Applying a Multidimensional Strategy to Mitigate Lateral Violence in a Small Rural Community Hospital in Western New York, Nicole M. Lewis


Management of Heart Failure in a Rural Community, Rachel F. Miller

Books from 2014

Nursing Rural America: Perspectives From the Early 20th Century, John Kirchgessner

Submissions from 2012


Military Service Members’ Attitudes Towards Mental Illness and Access to Mental Health Services: A Matter of Stigma., Virginia DelBusto-Cohen

Submissions from 2011


APNS and Program Planning: An Example of a Primary Care Provider Educational Program on TB in the US Foreign Born, Allison Huffman


A DNP Nurse-Managed Hepatitis C Clinic, Improving Quality of Life in a Rural Area, Virginia P. Krebbeks


Sexual Health of Older Patients: Attitudes and Perceptions of Healthcare Providers, Mary Alice O'Brien


A Conceptual Model of Primary Care in New York State, Kelly Storrs

Submissions from 2010


Primary Care of the Adult with Diabetes, Debra Gates