Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in International Studies


International Studies


This paper discusses the powerful link: that has emerged between petroleum and major international conflict throughout the 20th century and the opportunities for the minimization of such conflict that remain before us today. By way of historical review, and some reinterpretation of the years between 1907 and 1929, this paper shows how the same oil-rich areas, namely the Middle East (Mesopotamia and Persia), have often been the epicenters of international conflict for the past one hundred years and remain so to this day. The review of the 19071929 time period, which this paper dubs ''The Turkish Petroleum Company Era," also describes some past efforts, albeit short-lived ones, by world powers to cooperate and co-manage the production and distribution of petroleum and minimize the degree of conflict associated with world-wide demand for oil. This reinterpretation is meant to point out lessons from the past to be heeded for our future. Finally, this paper argues that the ingredients to rejuvenate such an effort, with greater chances of success, remain before us today. The argument will propose the creation of a multilateral Global Petroleum Management Company while examining the prospects (opportunities and challenges) for such a development.

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