Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in International Studies


International Studies


The intention of this paper is to provide an explanation of why there is an AIDS/HIV epidemic in the Russian Federation, how it has become out of control and what can be done to try and curb the epidemic. Beginning in 1917 the Russian government set up a health care system. There are still problems that exist today from the health care system that was put into place nearly a century ago. The breakdown of the Soviet Union has made it nearly impossible for the health care system to recover enough to successfully battle the HIV/AIDS epidemic that is plaguing the country. Currently, the government must take action in order to battle against the epidemic. The Russian government must focus on educating and helping the youth of its nation, implementing treatments for drug users and getting help from organizations and other nations willing to help fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Russian Federation.

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