Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in International Studies


International Studies


This paper theorizes that Fairtrade and the United Nations can work together in order to end extreme poverty in the poorest nations. The United Nations has identified the developmental issues that globalization has created. Fairtrade can help supplement its goals. Its purpose is to promote international trade and bring economic stability in the developing world without sacrificing human dignity. It achieves economic stability by the Fairtrade Principles that all companies must adhere to in order to receive the Fairtrade mark. The Fairtrade mark is very important, because it allows the consumer to know that the item has been verified, because it is certified. Fairtrade can have more success in helping the worlds poorest then the World Trade Organization and the International Monterey Fund, because Fairtrade does not have to worry about national best interest.

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