Fisher Scholarship Celebration 2022 | Fisher Scholarship Celebration | St. John Fisher University
The Fisher Scholarship Celebration has taken place regularly since 2005 to recognize and document scholarship by the campus community. It is supported by the Office of the Provost, and organized by the Library Faculty Committee. Works featured in the Fisher Scholarship Celebration are added to Fisher Digital Publications.


Submissions from 2022

Teaching Implicit Bias and its Management in the Pain Care of Sickle Cell Anemia Patients in a Hyflex Pre-Professional Classroom During COVID-19, Jill Lavigne, Michelle Price, and Aleah Groman


Writing as Memory Work Teaching the Civic Deliberations over Monument Removals, Jill Swiencicki and Barbara Lowe

Submissions from 2021

Does Teacher Happiness Matter? The Effect of Teacher Job Satisfaction on Productivity, Lauren Calimeris

Formulation and Optimization of Sildenafil Citrate-Loaded PLGA Large Porous Microparticles Using Spray Freeze-Drying Technique: A Factorial Design and In-Vivo Pharmacokinetic Study, Lipika Chablani and H. Shahin

Incidence of Bleeding and Thrombosis in Critically Ill Patients with Acute on Chronic Liver Failure and Elevated Activated Partial Thromboplastin Times, Kathryn A. Connor

Addressing Challenges of Providing Remote Inpatient Clinical Pharmacy Services, Kathryn A. Connor and Lisa M. Avery


Will They Stay or Will They Go? Leadership Behaviors that Increase Teacher Retention in Rural Schools, Matthew T. Frahm and Marie Cianca


Reaching Higher with Scaffolded Learning: Transitioning From the One-Shot to a Four-Year Developmental Program, Christina Hillman and Mia Breitkopf


Learning to Teach by Being a Student, Katie Sabourin


Introduction to leadership development using the "Five Practices" framework in a co-curricular pharmacy student-development program, Sumyya Wase and Melinda E. Lull

Submissions from 2020


Using Question Walls for User Feedback, Christina Broomfield, Kourtney Blackburn, and Christina Hillman

Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT) Quizzes and Student Performance in Microeconomic Principles Courses, Lauren Calimeris and Edward Kosack

Immunotherapy as a Second-Line or Later Treatment Modality for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer:, Lipika Chablani and Emily Geraci

Submissions from 2019


Physical and Chemical Stability of Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate in Intravenous Admixtures Used to Prevent Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting, Ina Buga, Joy Uzoma, Kristin Reindel, Kateryna Rashid, Tuong Diep, Pamela McCartan, and Fang Zhao