Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Steven K. Million

Second Supervisor

Julius Gregg Adams


Changing demographics of urban school districts toward student populations that are more culturally and ethnically diverse raises the issue of whether educators are able to effectively interact with students and families from diverse cultural backgrounds. Additionally, school leaders are expected to support teachers and provide a school environment that promotes acceptance of cultural differences and meets the needs of students from various cultural backgrounds. This study examines the relationship between levels of self-reported cultural competence among 39 RCSD principals as measured by Hammer's Intercultural Developmental Inventory (IDI) (Hammer, 1998) and their respective school's levels of organizational cultural competence as determined by the Checklist Measure of Organizational Cultural Competence (CMOCC) (Darnell & Kuperminc, 2006). Data from the IDI and the CMOCC were analyzed using SPSS to apply correlation analyses, F-tests (ANOV A) and t-tests. The results of the study indicated that, as a group, RCSD principals scored in the average range, though there was variability among the scores. The levels of organizational cultural competence suggested that on·averag~, half 0 f RCSD principals met three out of the six criteria used to measure organizational cultural competence. There was no relationship between individual levels of cultural competence and organizational levels of cultural competence. There were correlations, however, between two subscales and items on the CMOCC. The implications related to theory, research, and practice are discussed. Recommendations include providing cultural competence training for principals, offering opportunities for principals to discuss .ideas and practices related to cultural competence, and increasing awareness of individual and organizational cultural competence.

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