Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Guillermo Montes

Second Supervisor

Ruth Harris


Authoritative parenting and the relationship to academic achievement was the prime focus of this study. The research questions of this study addressed what parenting behaviors do urban middle and high school students identify as influential on their current academic performance and did the identified parenting behaviors of students fit the literature’s notion of Baumrind’s authoritative parenting. This qualitative study interviewed a purposeful sample of urban African American adolescents in grades 7-10 from a midsize urban city in upstate New York, recruited in the after school setting. In addition, parents completed a survey regarding their parenting behaviors in relationship to their child’s academic achievement. There were four main themes in this study: “Use specific language with your child”: verbal motivation, I have a routine and I have rules, Parent Involvement: I want your help, and Give Me Discipline, Rewards and Consequences. This study found that the voice of African American adolescents provided clear and concise insight and great voice to the parenting behaviors from their perspective. This study also found that the parent behaviors fit within the authoritative parenting framework of D. Baumrind with adjustments and modifications in their expression to fit the culture it is servicing. Future research would benefit from an expansion to include additional grade levels and qualitative parent interviews to expand the research base for African American parenting.

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