"Exploring the Influence of Black Male Graduates’ Cross-Racial Relation" by Dominique Fowler

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Anthony Chiarlitti, EdD

Second Supervisor

Janice Girardi, EdD


With a sample of 12 Black male college graduates, the purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influenced the participants’ cross-racial relationships with their peers at a predominantly White institution (PWI), how stereotypes and biases affected their relationships and social engagements, and how the participants navigated power dynamics and the microaggressions that occurred within their formed and maintained cross-racial relationships during their undergraduate years. The theoretical frameworks for this study were social identity theory and contact hypothesis, which provided a foundation for examining how stereotypes, biases, power dynamics, and microaggressions affect cross-racial relationships. The findings from this study highlight the significance of racial identity, institutional support, and social networks in shaping the social engagement of Black male students during their undergraduate years. This study offers insights into the conditions that promote cross-racial interactions with a goal to inform institutional strategies and interventions to enhance inclusivity and support for Black male collegians at PWIs, ultimately contributing to their academic success and overall well-being. The research emphasized the importance of fostering an environment where Black male students can thrive through meaningfully formed and maintained cross-racial relationships, thereby addressing systemic inequities and promoting a more equitable higher education landscape. From a practical perspective, implementation of mandatory training programs for faculty, staff, and students at PWIs to address implicit biases and microaggressions are recommended, as well as strengthening support structures for Black male students, including mentoring programs. Stakeholders should review campus policies to promote inclusivity, including reviewing commuter student engagement, enhancing diversity, and valuing cross-racial interactions.

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Education Commons
