"A Case Study of Highly Effective Transfer School Principals Serving Lo" by Katwona Dennis-Warren

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Robert Siebert


The purpose of this case study was to examine highly effective transfer school principals serving low-income African American students in an urban setting. Transfer high schools in New York City, which are a form of continuation schools, were created as a means of re-engaging and retaining students who have not benefitted from external motivators found in the traditional setting. Understanding the problems that this unique population faces, it is important that the leaders of these schools be highly effective, transformational leaders who possess the characteristics and traits needed to ensure student success. Based on the data gathered, this research study found that among the most important strategies to improve graduation rates among African American students involved the school principal having a clear vision for student success, collaborating with all stakeholders, modeling best practices and providing ongoing feedback for the purpose of monitoring and making adjustments. It was found that these strategies were successful when implemented in transfer school communities serving a high population of low income African American students. Schools that have been designated as serving a large population of low income students are considered Title I schools. The funding from Title I provides supplemental instruction for students who are economically disadvantaged or at risk of failing to meet state standards. The schools that have been identified for the purposes of this study have been designated as Title I schools.

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