"Ninth Grade Transition: Practices Used by New York State High School P" by Dana Boshnack

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Guillermo Montes

Second Supervisor

Marie Cianca


New York State high school principals are implementing a variety of practices to support ninth grade transition. Principals from across the State of New York were surveyed to identify the practices that are being implemented and the practices they would use if afforded the necessary resources. This state-wide study sought to gather information regarding characteristics of schools, their districts and the likelihood that schools with similar characteristics would choose similar organizational practices. A k cluster analysis was used to identify three cluster groups based on the practices being implemented by each respondent. The three clusters were categorized using the following labels: Extenders, Collaborators, or Low Implementers. A multinomial logic regression model was then used to determine the likelihood of demographic variables having any correlation with the groupings. This analysis revealed Low-Implementers as more likely to be schools with less than 25% of their students receiving free and reduced priced lunch (FARPL). Results of this study are relevant to educational leaders and policy makers seeking to identify practices most commonly used to support ninth grade transition and those practices principals would want to implement if afforded the necessary resources.

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