"Faculty Perceptions of Adult Learner Experiences in the Classroom: A N" by Sterling Jasper

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Janice Kelly

Second Supervisor

Byron Hargrove


The purpose of this quantitative study was to compare full and part-time community college faculty perceptions to a question set forth in the 2012 national Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) study of the degree to which adult student life experiences contribute to (a) learning effectively on their own and (b) understanding themselves. Higher education institutions are facing challenging times due to education budgets bring slashed, increasing diverse student populations, more part-time faculty being hired and reduced resources for professional development. The qualities of effective educational practices including teaching styles within community colleges are a critical component of learning campaigns. Educational institutions across the country are seeking alternatives to improving teaching styles of faculty to meet the growing needs of a diverse student population. The results of the study suggest that both full and part-time faculty at community colleges would benefit from exposure to effective educational practices such as learner-centered instructional practices. The real story that emerges from the research was the need for increased professional development for all faculty groups at community colleges.

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