"The Purpose of Assessment: Analyzing Alternative Assessments" by Melanie Godown

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Special Education



First Supervisor

Susan M. Schultz


Assessment is what drives instruction curriculum and is “essential to every instructional Metacognition is an essential process of learning and using one mode of evaluation does not provide evidence of this type of understanding. Using multiple assessments is key to discovering the different ways students understand material they have learned. Teachers have an immense impact of the formatting of a classroom. A survey was completed to discover if teachers have a tendency to format assessments based on their own preferences or the preferences of their students’ abilities and strengths. There were fifteen participants all who have a New York State certification. They answered the fifteen questions from the survey given to them online. This was done anonymously to give a view of teachers’ preferences for testing or projects within their classroom.

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Education Commons
