"How Does Exposure to Mulitcultural Literature Benefit Children's Thoug" by Timothy Coon

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Literacy Education




This action research paper asked the question, “How does exposure to multicultural literature benefit children’s thought processes about race?” The students’ exposure to multicultural literature showed mixed results based on their thought processes about race. Data was collected through teacher field notes, interviews, questionnaires, student work samples, and study questions. The findings section presents tables with the data that was collected. The data showed three recurring themes during the study: consistent prejudice toward African Americans, multicultural literature’s effect on children’s thoughts, and developing empathy while making personal connections to other cultures. The results from the tables indicated that it is crucial that students are exposed to multicultural literature at a young age in hopes to diminish prejudicial thoughts about race. Students need exposure and guidance from educated adults to support the children’s needs.

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